Keynote Speaker

Dr. Julia Bryan-Wilson

Professor of Art History and LGBTQ+ Studies
Columbia University

Julia Bryan-Wilson (b. Amarillo, Texas, 1973) is Professor of Art History and LGBTQ+ Studies at Columbia University and Curator-at-Large at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo. She is an influential queer feminist art historian, critic, and curator who has organized exhibitions on women’s making before 1900, histories of dance, and monographic shows on Liz Collins, Louise Nevelson, and Cecilia Vicuña. Her award-winning books include Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era (2009), Fray: Art and Textile Politics (2017), and Louise Nevelson’s Sculpture: Drag, Color, Join, Face (forthcoming 2023). Some of Bryan-Wilson’s numerous accolades are a Guggenheim fellowship, grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts, CAA’s Frank Jewett Mather Award, the Art Journal article award, the ASAP Book Prize, and the Robert Motherwell Award. She has also won multiple awards for her teaching and her mentorship.